Explore and Navigate Translation Catalogs More Easily
Messages and translations are listed in a table view, messages can have different colors reflecting its status.
All data regarded the messages are displayed below the table.
Row heights can be adjusted automatically or manually to fit the size of the data in a row so you can have a better view of the contents. |
Easily spot messages with comments. |
Eazy Po can recognize KDE style comments |
Locate any message quickly by index or line number. |
Create and navigate bookmarks quickly; by menu, keyboard or mouse |
Add additional columns to show other information.
You can move any column by dragging-and-dropping it to a new location.
Sort the table view by clicking the column header.
Analyze the distribution of strings among source files or domain, and filter the table view accordingly.
Use short-cuts, menu or speed buttons to move quickly between different messages with certain status.
Filter view table to show only messages with certain status.
Filter view table by keyword.
Expand the view to show obsolete messages.
Synchronize messages between table view and the source file.
Locate message in an external editor.
To accelerate opening recent files, the most recent are listed in file menu while a longest list history is maintained. The history list can be organized and managed the way is more convenient for your work.
Find a keyword in project files or recent opened files.